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a family dining at home

It seems that people, just about everywhere, will eat and eat and then eat some more. Most know there is a price to pay — not just money related, all those extra calories have to go somewhere too — and yet they still cannot resist that second piece of pumpkin pie.

Dining in” or “dining out” refers to having your meal at home or having them in the restaurants. According to research, as the society gets more modernized, people become busier and food becomes in handy. Restaurants are flooded with customers almost every breakfast, lunch and dinner time. Eating out has been a more popular choice all around the world, in Brunei particularly, lately than it has ever been. Many chooses to eat out because of so many different reasons but the common one is that they do not have time to cook for the whole family or even for themselves.

We have conducted a survey to see the trends among the younger generations in this country that prefer to dine out. The results of the survey can be viewed in this blog (titled RESULTS under POSTS). Also, feel free to answer our SURVEY QUESTIONS posted under POSTS. Thank you.

one of the most famous fast food restaurants world wide


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